How to stay healthy during COVID-19 quarantine and working from home

Even if your city or county is on lockdown and there is not a direct threat of catching COVID-19 from public spaces, it is beneficial to practice healthy habits to give your body a line of defense from infection. Henry + Dow has compiled some tips below on how you can stay well during quarantine. 

First, get enough sleep.

During this stressful period, it is more important now than ever to make sure your body has proper rest. Getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep at night will help you be more productive and process information quicker when working from home.

Second, take multivitamins and probiotics.

It’s beneficial to always make sure your body is getting the proper micro and macro nutrients. A strong immune system is the body’s first line of defense against viral infection. Take probiotics to promote gut health; plenty of vitamins A, D and C; and make sure you are getting enough antioxidants.

Third and finally, breathe and take frequent breaks.

Try meditating or taking 15-minute breaks every hour or two during your 9 to 5 schedule. Maintaining sanity may be a challenge cooped up inside for so long, so it is extremely important to give your mind and body proper mental and physical breaks. Sit in a comfortable area and take even breaths without any distractions. You may be surprised how a moment of uninterrupted silence can help you focus.

All information is credited to Attorney at Work’s  informative article on a healthy lifestyle working at home.

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